The World Paranormal Organization is Fictional
I had a few readers who were disappointed that there is no World Paranormal Organization presence online; this is because it is fictional...
(A Fictional Organization)
What Do I Need To Do?
World Paranormal certifications are globally standardized and help legitimize the multitude of abilities surfacing around the world. What this means for you is that, with the World Paranormal Certification, we are certification, you are more likely to be hired for your particular ability or abilities. A World Paranormal assures the general public that you do have the abilities and are trained on how to safely use them.
Introductory Sessions
The World Paranormal Organization holds Introductory Sessions every Monday, from 1 - 3 pm your local time. These sessions offer more information on the World Paranormal Organization and its history. We also do a brief introduction to the most common abilities that we see, and we hold a Question and Answer segment near the end for you.
When you've decided to start the certification process, you'll first get assigned a mentor and you'll go through some testing. First there may be written tests, followed by you demonstrating your ability or abilities. You will also receive any training needed to make sure you have control and precision with your ability.
When your mentor is satisfied that you are proficient with your ability, you can fill out the registration papers and get certified.
Explore the World Paranormal Organization's Website
Feel free to explore the website -- there is a lot of information available to you. We also offer one-on-one consultations if you'd prefer that to the Introductory Sessions.
Thank You for Visiting Our Site
Thank you for coming to explore our site. We hope you'll join our organization soon!